"On a Preview evening of paintings we saw an outstanding painting of oystercatchers entitled 'Cockleshell bay'. Such a unique style, which really stands out and there was a lot of interest shown by all. We had the pleasure of purchasing the picture which now hangs in our dining room and has certainly had many people admiring it. The picture has such a lot of charm and character in the composition. We now look forward too our Kingfisher picture, which Nicole is going to do for us."

"So thrilled with this piece which was the first we chose out of the three pieces we bought recently. Nicole’s fine eye for detail and quality of workmanship brought the two hares to life. A beautiful picture which we shall treasure for many years to come."

"Nicole has brought these two cheeky chappies to life. Love it and will adorn our walls for many years and equally is there to remind us about the fragility of these animals in terms of conservation."

Sue F
"I am delighted with this piece of textile artwork, the attention to detail is superb and every time I look at it I can't help but smile."

"Nicole's attention to detail is meticulous and accurate. She has a real understanding of the subject and her love of a wide variety of species of flora and fauna and how they connect really shows. I am extremely proud to have Nicole's work in pride of place in our lounge. I often discover clever detail which I have previously overlooked."

"I really wanted to complement you on your craftsmanship and creativity. It's an extremely beautiful piece showing many different skills. You are certainly a very gifted and talented artist, and I do wish you every success in the future."

F ,Forrest
"I just had to have "The sleepy little owls" work by Nicole, she has captured the humorous character of the owl so well.Her work is so creative with a good eye for detail, a very talented artist."

Emily S
Nicole has captured a scene of utter tranquility with the painted background scene in this work. One can almost hear the Egrets wings flap as he lands on the rope. This Egret commands respect immediately. One is completely drawn into this scene. He will be placed in a prominent area in my home.

Emily S
Another fabulous creation by Nicole. The noble Kingfisher with his prize is of course wonderful. Additionally, the texture of the mooring post included the painted rope is truly splendid. Nicole’s work is captivating.

Emily S
How can one not smile after viewing this little guy! Once again, the background artwork is second to none and again complements the use of textiles and needlework to create this beautiful scene. Nicole is a master of capturing movement in all her pieces.
Emily S
I just happened on Nicole’s instagram account a couple of months ago and I was immediately hooked (no pun intended) by her beautiful artwork. I have been fortunate to have been able to
procure several of her pieces. Nicole’s use of embroidery, textile and painted background transport you to this beautiful wildlife in their natural habitat. Here are some of the pieces that Nicole so kindly parted with (I would have a difficult time letting go of some of these works if I was talented enough to create such art))