Nicole Lupton
May 15, 2017
Embroidering the Landscape
After a long Friday and weekend, I have finally finished embroidering my landscape!!!

Nicole Lupton
May 11, 2017
Looking Over The English Countryside
My next piece is high up in the trees looking over the English countryside and woodland below, so to start I've painted the landscape...

Nicole Lupton
Mar 1, 2017
Painting A Pond On Two Levels
After painting the background I moved on the appliqueing the reeds and adding extra detailing to them.

Nicole Lupton
Feb 28, 2017
Inspired By Frogs
Inspired by the frogs in my pond, I decided to do a piece based on them. Having embroidered and quilted the frog here I am painting part...

Nicole Lupton
Feb 21, 2017
Finding inspiration in my garden led me to these dark purple almost black hellebores. I have decided to make them into my own textiles...

Nicole Lupton
Feb 17, 2017
Hungry Little Egrets
Hurrah 'Hungry Little Egrets' is completed!!! I am utterly in love with this piece, it will be hard to part from it. It has been one of...

Nicole Lupton
Feb 16, 2017
Still Creating
Here I am still building the nest, it defiantly getting there and should be completed tomorrow. So watch out for the finished photo.

Nicole Lupton
Feb 15, 2017
Building an Egrets Nest
Now all my Little Egrets are completed, I've moved to make their nest. It is a nice break from all that embroidering though equally...

Nicole Lupton
Feb 14, 2017
All Together Now
Just finished embroidering and quilting the male Little Egret, he has finally joined the rest of the family! Having finished all seven...

Nicole Lupton
Feb 13, 2017
Mother Egret
One mother Little Egret completed, just the father to go now and all seven will the finished. Mother Egret was definitely the hardest...

Nicole Lupton
Feb 10, 2017
A Whole Nest Of Trouble
Spent today working on the three other baby Little Egrets, now all five are complete making a whole nest full of trouble!

Nicole Lupton
Feb 9, 2017
Baby Little Egrets
At the beginning of the month, I started a new project. After hours and days of embroidering and what feels like weeks, I have finally...

Nicole Lupton
Feb 7, 2017
Textile Hellebore
Here is my hellebore flowers so far, leaves and stems tomorrow!

Nicole Lupton
Feb 6, 2017
The Beauty of a Hellebore
I was attracted by the beauty of this Hellebore flower this morning so decided to make it into a textile sculpture. Here's me working out...

Nicole Lupton
Jan 13, 2017
Just Keep Sewing
Here I am still sewing away on my Rainbow Trout! The piece is defiantly coming together, the trout was tricky to recreate in fabric as...