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Meandering Rivers Of Bodmin Moor

Nicole Lupton

This months art is inspired by the rivers of Bodmin Moor. I spend a great deal of time on or by the river, living only a stones throw away from the River Lynher. Its wildlife often frequents my garden, whether that be Herons flying overhead or Water Rails using the garden as a stop off point in its migration. I find there is nothing more calming than the gentle sound of water cascading down ripping falls, the air being filled with the damp taste of fresh water and ears full of the soothing chorus of birds echoing down from the trees above. I can only hope to capture some of these aspects within my art and bring the aura of the river and its joyous characters into your home.

A great number of Cornwall's rivers are founded on Bodmin Moor, it is the birthplace to the River Camel, Fowey, Lynher, Inny and Ottery. They are essential to the ecosystem of the moors wetlands/ marshes and are the life support of its diverse wildlife. Many parts of the river are isolated, untouched and unreachable to human, making them perfect for wildlife. A fine example of this is the River De Lank. The river is an important wildlife habitat noted for its diverse and abundant flora and fauna and is as such a designated SSSI and SAC. More crucial its waters are an important stronghold for one of Britain’s rarest and shyest mammals, the Otter.

Otters are regularly seen and travel the whole length of the river in search of food, eels being their favourite. Locals have given them the name ‘little wanderer’ as otters may travel 20 kilometres or more in a night. They can cross from the North coast to the South coast of Cornwall using the river De Lank. Eventually finding themselves at the source of the river, near the moors highest point at Brown Willy. From here it is a matter of crossing a couple of treacherous peat bogs and a short piece of open moorland. Before finally reaching the source of the River Fowey. No mean feat!!! Yet with such harsh conditions felt on the moor and with so many dangers, it surprises me that a moor is a place they decide to call home! Perhaps it is the lack of human disturbance, persecution and ignorance which has allowed them to thrive here.

Still, Otters are not the only animal thriving on the moors rivers, Kingfisher, Bullheads, Trout and Pearl Bordered Fritillary Butterflies all flourish here. Conservation still holds a crucial role in the population of species like the Water Vole who have seen a dramatic drop in numbers of 94%. Much is still needed to be done for them. I have created three new pieces capturing their food diversity to spread awareness. Water Voles have to be one of the most unfussy creatures and will pretty much eat any vegetation, seed, stick or root, they even eat the occasional frog!